Facial and Dental Injuries in Car Accidents

Miami Attorneys Representing Vehicle Collision Victims

When victims sustain facial or dental injuries in a car accident, there is not only a physical toll taken, but also a psychological one, especially if those injuries leave a permanent scar. Unfortunately, these types of injuries are not uncommon in motor vehicle collisions, despite an increase in safety features in automobiles in recent years. Many situations can lead to facial or dental injuries in a car accident, such as shards of broken glass from a windshield or window flying into a victim’s face, a head hitting the steering wheel, or burns and bruises caused by airbag deployment. If you or a loved one has sustained facial or dental injuries this manner, Miami car accident lawyer Robert Dixon and his associates at the Law Offices of Robert Dixon can help you determine your next legal step. Our firm is dedicated to pursuing those responsible for causing other people harm due to negligent or reckless conduct. These injuries can be costly and require lengthy recovery time that may keep victims from work. The Law Offices of Robert Dixon offers seasoned legal representation for clients across South Florida, including Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. If you have questions regarding your legal rights following a serious automobile collision, contact our office to schedule a free consultation to learn more about your options.

Common Facial and Dental Injuries Caused by Collisions

When driving or riding in a car, your head and face are left rather exposed. As such, that area of your body can sustain significant injury upon the impact of a collision. Some common facial and dental injuries in car accidents include:

  • Broken bones – A person’s head is made up of fourteen bones, each of one vulnerable if they come into contact with a heavy object. Broken facial bones can affect a victim’s eyes, nose, and sinuses, as well as include breaks to teeth or their jaws. Aside from being painful, these breaks may require surgical treatment and other cosmetic procedures.
  • Burns – If a collision results in a vehicle fire, or if an airbag explodes, drivers and passengers may sustain burn injuries to their faces and heads.
  • Cuts and lacerations – Glass is often broken in a car accident, which can lead to lacerations on a victim’s face, which may require stitches.
  • Eye injuries – Eyes are a vulnerable part of the body, and a victim may suffer a scratched cornea, temporary or permanent blindness, as well as other visual impairments as a result of a crash.
  • Scarring and disfigurement – Lacerations or burns, even when properly treated, may leave permanent damage on a victim’s skin. Not only can this lead to long-term physical symptoms, such as headaches or nerve damage, but in many cases it also affects a victim’s self-esteem and personal identity.
Claims Arising Out of Motor Vehicle Crashes

Car accidents are most often the fault of a negligent driver, and a seasoned injury attorney can help you hold such drivers accountable. Victims harmed by another’s negligence may pursue personal injury claims against the responsible motorist. Negligence is shown when a defendant’s actions breach a duty of reasonable care owed to another, causing that victim’s injuries, and resulting in damages. In Florida, even if a victim is partially at fault for causing his or her own injuries, claims may still be filed against another responsible party under the theory of pure comparative negligence. When a victim is also negligent, his or her damage award is offset by the percentage of fault found. Victims may receive compensation for medical costs, lost income, diminished earning capacity, as well as pain and suffering, especially in situations where victims are left with permanent impairments.

Car Accident Lawyers Serving Injured Victims in Miami

Facial and dental injuries suffered in car accidents can require multiple trips to the doctor, painful procedures, and long healing times. Attorney Robert Dixon of the Law Offices of Robert Dixon can help you pursue the compensation you need to adequately cover the costs of such extensive treatment by taking legal action. Our firm offers compassionate and comprehensive legal services so that victims can spend the time they need to recover, rather than worry about litigation. If you or a loved one has been injured in a serious car accident, please call 877.499.4878 or contact us online for a free, no obligation consultation and see how we can help. We represent clients in areas including Miami, and West Palm Beach.

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